Source Code

resisting arrest

Police code for African Americans, and sometimes other minorities. Very popular with the LAPD.

I had to bash his head in, Captain. He was resisting arrest.

by Alex Stockwell May 27, 2007

60👍 1873👎

resisting arrest

The act of resisting a police officer who is trying to either arrest or detain you.

Officer 1: Why did you bring that guy in?
Officer 2: Well I detained him because he had drugs on him but he started running so now I have to book him for resisting arrest

by Liam Kline September 26, 2019

1846👍 1👎

Resist Arrest

Oh shit! George Floyd 2.0. Right there! Damn! No, THAT ONE they killed. They killed the shit out of his ass! Damn! Yeah, now that is an instance of cops killing a guy.

Hym "Yeah, see that guy who tried to resist arrest and got knelt on? Emma's gonna have a shit-fit over that one. She probably found out about it THROUGH MY PHONE. But, yeah, they killed the shit out of that guy. Get ready for the protests."

by Hym Iam June 17, 2024