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rip it

1)to surf, skate, or skim a wave really well
2)to go for it
3)to hit a bowl, bong, or blunt really hard

1)Dude, i totally just ripped it on that wave.
2)Rip It man, what do you have to lose?
3)Wow, you just cleared that bowl, way to rip it.

by rippin braghhh September 17, 2007

72πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

rip it

a cheap type of energy drink that only costs $ 1.00 a can. but is still pretty good tasting and an easy way to get energy quick

dude 1- this rip it is pretty good
dude 2- can i have some
umm NO

by big Chad March 7, 2008

62πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

rip it

To fart, i.e. to release an intestinal gas via the anus.

Dude, did you just rip it?
Yeah man, I just had three bean burritos.

by jiao May 23, 2006

30πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

rip, ripped, ripping

To steal.

Syn: gank, cop.

Dude, did you just rip that sell phone?

Damn skippy.

by Mikey BΓΌrke April 26, 2005

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


derived from the acronym R.I.P (Rest in Peace) often used on gravestones, used as a response that loosely means "this/that sucks" or "that's whack"

Example 1:

Person 1: i accidentally called my teacher mom today i want to die
Person 2: riiiiipppppp

Example 2
Person 1: i got 62% on the math test rip me

Person 2: i got 55% rip

Example 3:
Person 1: i'm screaming i saw a girl wearing crocs under her prom dress
Person 2: RIP

by boi-he-boutta-do-it October 25, 2016

277πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

Ripped it

A phrase meaning you've taken a joke too far or carried the joke on too long. It is often used if someone repeats a joke immediately after someone else has said it in an attempt to be funny. Generally used in Scotland.

-here's to our wives n our girlfriends...may they never meet!
-haha aye mate may they never meet!
-....naw mate, ya ripped it.

by AliceInWonderbra April 27, 2011

28πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

rip on

To dis or burn a person, group of people, or a corporate entity.

"She ripped on that one goth 'cos she thought he stole her phone."

"Sorry for ripping on you guys, I really didn't mean to."

"I'm going to rip on WalMart 'cos they sent my job overseas."

by Kreoche April 28, 2006

75πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž