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rite aid shoes

their the cheap five dollar shoes that make your feet stink, not comfortable until you wear it until the inside of it turns black, and gives you bad tanlines. their the shit. it's the shoes that both scene kids can two step in, and bag ladies both afford.

comes in different designs and colors

foreign kid: "WHERE'D YOU GET YOUR SHOES?"
*scene kid stomps away in cheap five dollar shoes that's made out of paper on the bottom*.

kid one: "yeah rite aid shoes rool, they made mah feet stanky, and they have holez on them. lolzolz."
second kid: "ooh my grandma has those, and so does the bum down the street. TEEHEE"

by olivia aka retra February 16, 2006

85👍 35👎

Rite-aid shoes

Way rad shoes that have elastic across the front and cardboard on the bottom. Super cheap, super cute and everyone can wear them! What more could you ask for? Besides, you can get some yummy ice cream at the same time!

scene kid: "Grandma, where'd you get those awesome shoes?"
grandma: "Rite-aid"
scene kid:"Right on! I'm gonna get me some of those Rite-aid shoes! Do you want some ice cream?"
grandma:"Yes please, Dear."

by the stache August 7, 2006

20👍 9👎