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rock star

Someone who is in a popular rock band. Some of these guys live the craziest life that exists.

They tour around the world to play their music while getting worshipped by their fans. After the concert they fuck a bunch of groupies and leave for the next gig while taking some drugs.

Bands who live like this or have lived like this are: The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Oasis, The Who etc...

Man... i wish i was a rock star.

by Dick_H July 11, 2005

229๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

rock star

Someone who doesn't follow rules, they make their own. The go out of their way to be extraordinary, different from everyone else. They sometimes choose to have exotic piercings or tatoos, some have really, really crazy hair! But those are not the only kind of rock stars...

Marilyn Manson is a ginuwine rocker who fits my description. But then you have people like Keith Richards, Elvis, Led Zepplin, and those oldie goldies.

by LaUrEn January 6, 2004

175๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rock star

Keith Richards.

Avril Lavigne is not a rock star. Keith Richards is. (:

by HazardousKid December 2, 2009

53๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rock Star

Being true to ones self and their very nature; Living without limitations or restrictions to ones obsesions. Freedom.

Someone who is Living the Life You Want to Live and doing things you can Only Dream About. The Person you want to be, or dream about being.

A Rich guy who's "Too Cool To Hate"...

Charlie Sheen, Steven Tyler, Nicoli Tesla, Bob Dylan, and Bill Gates are Rock Stars.

by Linus T August 28, 2011

33๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

rock star

A rock star is someone who can play the guitar(any type)/Bass/ Drums and so on.

Example: Craig Nicholls From The Vines is a rock star.

All Hip hop, R'n'b etc artists are NOT rock stars of any form. Just Ugly little boys/girls trying to be cool.

Example: Snoop Dog is NOT a Rock star.

by Missy Mary Jane September 1, 2003

122๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rock star

Referring to a crackhead ie. someone who likes to smoke rocks

He used to be such a good kid, now he's just a cracked out rock star

by beautiful scorpio July 31, 2005

91๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

rock star

that guy who's been kicked out of every band in town. he's talented no doubt, but he's never sober and doesn't really know what stability is. lots of booze, bitches, and hard drugs, baby. he's never really grown out of that stage that all boys go through around the age of 15 when they think they'll be famous someday cause they can shred. he lives like a rock star because he thinks he'll be one some day, but man he never will be. oh yeah, his rent is four months late but you can't seem to kick him out because he's got no job and you can't picture his pretty face on the streets. sometimes people just can't outgrow a big dream.

"i'm going to be a rock star someday. that's why i live like this."

by rock n roll cowboy October 18, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž