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rotten dick

When a man has banged heaps of hoes in one night and which ends with their dicks turning purple and deflating and only puffing air and not cum.

Damn last night I fucked so many bitches and I got rotten dick.

by Kitty gone black April 12, 2015

8👍 3👎

Rotten Dick Jungle

An disease in which your pubes grow so damn thick that it's like a jungle - it starts to wrap around your cock like a bushy wall, even Trump doesn't wanna get in on that shit. And then it rots. Pretty self explanatory. It's gonna be lions and tigers and bears and shit in there too, probably Ebola, a barrel of fuckin monkeys, the whole goddamn shebang. TL;DR shave it to save it from rotten dick jungles.

Skye-"hey man, how've you been holding up lately?"
Riley-"not good man. My cock fell off from a bad case of rotten dick jungle."
Skye- "lol rip"

by Cloudyskye69 March 2, 2019

33👍 5👎

rotten dick syndrome

knob rott basicaly

wanna make love?
sorry, my dick has rotted off

by Ali P March 15, 2004

29👍 20👎

Rotten floppy donkey dick

A person who thinks he has the dick the size of a donkey when actually it's the size of hamster.

Ryan thinks its clever to intimidate people because he has a big dick, but actually he has no right because it's the size of a rotten floppy donkey dick.

by DefenderOfWomen April 7, 2020