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ruler of the universe

PIE! pie is the ruler of the universe! bow down and start worshipping!

the pie's have subtly already taken over the world u may want to show ur alegance =see ruler of the universe!

by xXSlightlyOddGirlXx April 8, 2008

7👍 24👎

megan and phoebe, the rulers of the universe

Well, quite obviously, we are the rulers of the universe. Duh. Do you not read?

Girl 1 "boy gee you are cool"
Boy 1 " i know i am a megan and phoebe"
Girl 1 "Whats that?"
Boy 1 "Your stupid-ness makes me chuckle, Well, quite obviously, megan and phoebe, the rulers of the universe. Duh. Do you not read?"
Girl 1 "i feel so much more knowledged now"

by Alice in February 6, 2008

8👍 36👎