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Run me over

a sex move where the girl lays on the bed doggy style while the guy thrusts his pelvis aggressively into the girl’s vagina

I want him to run me over so bad

by bigdicknigha January 14, 2018

47👍 33👎

Run Me Over Daddy

slang for sexy time, use it right like sex or fuck me harder

Dan: Run Me Over Daddy
Ed: *rams fat dong into anus*

by TNTYEETER9001 August 11, 2020

8👍 5👎

You could run me over and i'd still say thank you

To say that they could do anything to you and you'd still say thank you because you love them too much.

"Colby Brock, you could run me over and I'd still say thank you. He is so hot."

by laurensenx August 4, 2019

20👍 2👎