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safe travel(s)

Safe travel(s) - is a polite way of wishing someone a safe journey. Safe Travel is also used as a way to express your wish for someone to have good fortune during a trip, wherever they may be headed. Bad traveling accommodation can be an attributing factor to someone having an awful trip or vacation... So, safe travel is just a way of expressing that you hope someone’s journey goes well.

1. Personally...I like safe travel(s); it encompasses all method of travel and covers all locations that may be traversed.

2. Thank you for your quick reply.

Safe Travels,
John Doe

by www.theweeklydeals.com June 26, 2018

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safe travel(s)

Something one would say to another as they or both of them are about to get really high.

Person A "Hey happy 4/20 man, safe travel(s)"
Person B "Yooo you too dude, shits wild"

by discordrat April 20, 2022

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