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Sage Mode


- that moment of clarity after nutting where you become devoid of all desires
- when an individual becomes one with everything and one with himself after a good-ass nut

Person 1: You got a date with Beatrice by 13 : 00, dude. What are you doing in your room?!
Person 2: Going into Sage Mode.
Person 1: What?
Person 2: What?

by PenguinButter June 28, 2019

147πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Sage Mode

Sage Mode is a transformation that increases the the bodies strength, stamina, and speed

When The First Hokage Hashirama Senju,Fourth Minato Namikaze, Seventh Naruto Uzumaki, and Legendary Sannin Jiraiya use sage mode the increase there strength stamina and speed

by Kotoamsukami February 25, 2018

34πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Sage Mode

Originating from the Naruto series sage mode is used to increase strength defense and speed. However an alternate term for β€œsage mode” is when you only get 3 hours of sleep and wake up with more energy then you would a normal 7 hours of sleep, this would be a reference to how Naruto needs to remain still to gain nature energy to go into β€œsage mode”. Going β€œSage Mode” can last for days on end, as the little sleep you get magically keeps you energized.

You: I went β€œsage mode” last night, didn’t get a wink of sleep yet I feel like I could run a Marathon
Friend: I hear that bud.

by Horrorkid April 11, 2019

26πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Sage mode

The moment late into a night of partying when all of the drugs and alcohol you've consumed cancel each other out and you're walking around 15 beers deep cold sober.

Meagan - Oh my god, did Squidface just give life saving CPR to the guy he just saved from drowning in that massive whirlpool? I just saw him do, like, a 20 minute keg stand. He's incredible!

Stacy - I always feel safe when he and Du-Z come to the party. They're always the first to go all Sage Mode when shit gets out of hand.

by Baked Brit August 28, 2013

20πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž