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Samuel P

Samuel P is a type of human which has been geneticaly modified by gods. These human beings have extremely complex DNA structure that permits them to absorb any information, oraly or visualy given. Their spacial-visual skill is a such a great level (ยง>99.9%) that they mostly perform great in life; not only in a academic sense but also with their social lives and their sexual life.

It is very rare to encounter a Samuel P and knowing it because they often look like normal human beings and act like normal human beings, except for their capability of never gaining weight, never losing fights and never getting rejected.

Side note: They often like to call themselves Samuel P because in ancient latin-egyptien(from nabi culture), this name stands for : Vastly Superior.

"I once knew a Samuel P" said an old man, "he was always better at everything and he always had beautiful girls hogging him.

by BlacKOoze November 20, 2010

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Samuel P. Holland

A god like human. Almost like a mythical being. So fascinating that you would want to cut your balls off when you witness this man. He will do the undoable. he eats diamonds. He lost his virginity before his parents. His kids will have diamond enforced sternums so their heart and lungs will never be in danger. He knows a man, named Carter. He Poops on this Carter. He beats this Carter. In Golf. So you got Tiger woods. He is a player, stud, and good at golf. You got Samuel P. Holland who is tiger times 6969696969696969696969.

A father would really appreciate making a child with his wife. But After a visit with Samuel P. Holland, this man lost his balls and now can only get pleasure by fingering his butt hole.

by aprettycoolguy August 11, 2011

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