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save the game

when you go to bed in order to pass time. inspired by the feature in GTA

don't got nothin to do, shit imma just save the game

by orangescape September 2, 2019

Save my game

Originating from the video game "No More Heroes" this phrase means "take a crap".

To save your game in No More Heroes, you must find a toilet. Your character sits down on the toilet, and the save screen is displayed.

Be right back, I need to save my game.

by James D Wilson May 19, 2008

saved game

Used to denote a single parent with children, typically a woman but can be used to describe men, albeit very rarely does it get used to refer to men due to the judicial system and custodial law. The term originated loosely from the gaming community to refer to a saved game as a potentially corrupted file, ruined playthrough, etc. This phrase was coined due to the ability of a single-parent to corrupt and outright take advantage, most notably financially and emotionally their respective childless partner. Also supports the notion that a lot of childless people see saved games as damaged goods. Very often used in MGTOW community

Sonia is such a 4 x 4, she has 4 kids by 4 different fathers. That's why i don't mess around with saved games my G!

by Lance321 November 14, 2019

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