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saves babies

Used to express something that is awesome to the greatest extent.

Guy: Yeah, I went to that concert last week.
Girl: Wow, that band saves babies.
Guy: I know, right?!

by d2x_caleb@yahoo.com March 21, 2007

16👍 3👎

Shit fire and save the baby

Just a little more awesome for you to say than shit fire and save matches. It goes along with those sayings like 'Woopie Shit!' and other collective words. This phrase only comes into play in conversations where you are comparing other sayings you have heard in life.

"Hey my mom always says 'Well woopie shit!'" -Kate
"LOLOLOL ROFL" - Kala and Caleb simultaneously.
"Theres one saying I know - Shit fire and save the baby.. at least I think thats how it goes.." -Kala
"What the fuck are you smoking Kala, give us some o dat." -Kate and Caleb.

by Regina Clogginnigger August 31, 2008

1👍 9👎

Traditional Irish Save The Marriage Baby

A practice in cultures, most commonly believed to be originated from Irish heritage wherein the couple decides to have a baby instead of getting a divorce or actually working on their problems through healthy means. ALWAYS amplifies the problem but due to traditional views, the couple therein stays together and them and them child suffers. The classic "Stacking Shit on Shit" situation.

Nell and Hayden can't stop arguing every day.

We thought they were headed for divorce but they just announced they're going to have a baby. Ah, the Traditional Irish Save the Marriage Baby. Poor kid..

by Martini Drysdale March 3, 2021

7👍 13👎