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school friend

a friend that your only friends with at school and you don't hangout outside of school

mimi's my school friend shes too busy too hang out with me

by Holly Matronic May 11, 2007

95👍 8👎

school friend

A school friend is someone you talk to in school and not outside of school. A friend who can’t find time to talk to you doesn’t become a “school friend”just because you want them to text you first , or talk to you first .

eric: istg im finna make a post about my “friends” just because they didn’t text first on this break , ik they were “school friends

maya: eric just because they can’t talk to you rn or text you first doesn’t mean they’re your “school friends” your not the center of attention!

by mosthated.myaaa April 9, 2020

5👍 3👎

School Friend

One of your "friends" at school that you dont even talk to outside of school. When at lunch if you leave your food alone, even for a second, they will mess with it. They also make gay jokes about you.

Chris:Alright guys, I'll be right back
Matt: Ok lets put shit in his food haha thats HILARIOUS
Johnny: OK LOL
*Chris walking away* "Stupid School Friends

by ZuckonIt October 9, 2011

11👍 6👎

School Friend

A person you talk to in school but don’t physically hang out with outside school. You talk to them anywhere like text or school but you do not hang out.

Boy: Damn, he’s just a school friend to you?!
Girl: Duh. Wouldn’t want to be any closer to him.

by TackyWonder777 October 4, 2020

3👍 1👎

Friends School

Friends School of Baltimore is strong on the Quaker thing--peace and equality and stuff like that. No uniforms either, which is cool. Might look easygoing because of that, but it's got a rep for having hard classes. Compare their school paper with Gilman's or Bryn Mawr's, and you'll see the difference. Sports-wise Friends is pretty strong, considering it's got fewer guys or girls to make up teams with, since it's co-ed.

Friends School's got awesome teachers, too!

by Maven2 April 18, 2007

87👍 53👎

Friends School

Friends School of Baltimore is a highly expensive, co-ed prep school that is based upon quaker principles and is located in northern Baltimore City. It contains a student population of around 1,000 that mainly consists of rich, preppy, white kids who drive nice cars, reside in big houses, and live fairly spoiled lives. Student hobbies include binge drinking, parties, lacrosse, weed smoking, and doing excessive amounts of homework. The school is often subject to verbal abuse by other kids because of its gay name.

Kid with stupid parents: My parents are sending me to Friends School because they want me to experience a rigorous and better education while being involved in community full of mainly upper class, rich, preppy white kids. I hope that $17,000 a year they are going to spend is worth it.

Boy: What school do you go to?
Friends Student: I go to Friends School in Baltimore City.
Boy: Hah! Friends School? Are you all friends there?

by B-more Bro March 27, 2007

45👍 44👎

Carolina Friends School

A Quaker school located in durham nc where 98% of the kids are gay and the other 2% aren’t out yet. You have to ‘settle in’ before and after every class which basically means sitting silently for an awkward minute while people crack their knuckles. It’s pretty shit unless you have a class with matt. Matt is an absolute fucking god beyond human comprehension.

Teacher: “Lets go ahead and settle in”
Student: *cracks knuckles*
Teacher: “SHUT THE FUCK UP!”
Student: “Going to Carolina Friends School was a mistake”

by Ok lmao January 21, 2023