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September 14

Fucking best birthday day! If you were born on this day you better fucking smile right now because your fucking perfect and you should be proud

Ayyyy were you born on September 14, oh well then your a fucking prince/ princess

by UDIAFL October 29, 2019

1239๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

September 14

Punch anyone named Chloe day

Sage-itโ€™s September 14
Chloe-o shit

Sage-*uppercuts Chloe*

by Jedimaster69 November 5, 2019

85๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

September 14

People born on this day will be thicc. They shall be the thiccest of the thiccests. They will be so thicc that they fill up an entire room with their thiccness

Dude 1: hey wasnโ€™t u born on September 14
Dude 2: yeah why
Dude 1: dats when thiccies are born
Dude 2: *inflates* uh oh

by PotatoesFallFromTheSky November 5, 2019

121๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

September 14

A real nigga holiday

Ain't yo birthday September 14?

Yuup it's a real nigga holiday ykwtfgn

by Bayyybeeee girlll October 18, 2019

175๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

September 14

A quokka that is cute, handsome, kind, funny, talented, singer, rapper, dancer, ace, producer, lyricist, obsessed with americano, a genius, the main character, and is only a day older than a cute yellow chick.

Bbokari the cute yellow chick:Its your Hanjiji dad's bday! September 14.

Hanquokka is cute:Yes! Hanjiji dad's bday handsome and cute like hanquokka.

by A stay July 30, 2021

September 14

Make out with your crush day!

Person 1: dang I really wanna kiss her today
Person 2: do it man itโ€™s September 14!

by noturmomhaha September 13, 2021

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

September 14

Whoeverโ€™s birthday it is on September 14, you have to give them a big fat juicy kiss on the lips. If you donโ€™t You will be swatted the next day

Girl: What day is it?
Guy: Its September 14, my birthday
Girl: Kissing time๐Ÿฅฐ
Guy: Bet

by RizzMaster69420 September 4, 2022