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sheering sheep

when a female with a very large bush, or hairy legs shaves herself at work and tells her guy friends via internet chat

the other day i was talking to my female friend over the internet and she told me she was sheering sheep, it was really awkward.

by vulgarrusso August 5, 2009

Sheering sheep

The act of a man shaving his balls

Girl: What are you doing with that razor?
Guy: I'm sheering sheep.
Girl: Oooohhhh. Be careful!

by sheepsheerer August 8, 2011

2👍 2👎

Sheer your sheep

Usually fighting words. Can we used in place of I’ll clean your clock or I’ll bust your chops.

sheer your sheep - ready to fight

Jeff: “fuck you!”
John: “I’ll sheer your sheep bitch.”

by That guy 175672 February 26, 2020