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Wearing, an inordinately large amout of jewelry, esp. diamonds, grills, chains, bling, etc.

"My neck look like it's glowin, yellow diamonds make my neck looks shiny."-Young Ill

"Diamonds they gleamin', I'm icey, they cheesin', Hey! Bitch I'm shinin'!"-The Pack

by Nullpersona January 23, 2007

46👍 13👎


To show off, to stand out, or to belittle some one by making fun of what they are wearing or how their head or body is shaped.

Im shinin' on these hoes tonight. im always shinin' when i pull up to the scene. Look at Larry, he always shinin on brians Head cuz his dreads look like a Palm tree, "Ol palm tree Head Azz"- Lucky Larry from P-Cola

by Bernardo Mannie Barba October 20, 2007

19👍 8👎


getting completely wasted from drinking

yo kid you had the block lit up lastnight when you got out da bar. son you was shinin' fosho

by cryptic07 September 5, 2005

17👍 49👎

cornea shinin'

when you meet someone and you cant stop looking at them. Because they are so handsome/beautiful.

Damn i just met you and you already got my cornea shinin'

by proficient prodigy December 11, 2008

5👍 5👎

shinin' out

just chillin' out low key but totally content- a few casual beverages, a little weed maybe, a few awesome people. generally done at one of the shiners houses. you can shineout by yourself but its not advisable

"hey whatsup"

"not much, just shinin' out at home with Nic and Sarah...no big deal"

by Geoff Taylor March 1, 2008

2👍 7👎

spit shinin'

it means cheap skate or frugal.

he is always spit shinin' on food an cloths.

by greenfox212 March 6, 2014