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Shirtless Guy

The ripped guy in a particular group that works out a lot & takes off his shirt every. chance. he gets.

They could understand that Matt was Shirtless Guy when he mowed the lawn, or played basketball, or fetched the mail from the mailbox, but to their amazement, Matt was Shirtless Guy for Thanksgiving, when it was 15°.

by catfight12 January 12, 2009

20👍 3👎

Shirtless Rollerblading Guitar Guy

A man, well known in the Edmonton Capital region of Alberta, Canada, who rollerblades around busy streets on the south side of Edmontmon without a shirt, singing and playing is guitar. He's Edmonton's local "Horseback Jesus." He's been noted to have some less-than-savoury opinions and has garnered a fair amount of controversy online. Similar to the North American Robin, spotting him is the first sign of spring in Edmonton.

Edmontonion: Spring is in the air! I just saw shirtless rollerblading guitar guy going down whyte!
Calgarian: You saw who??

by GamersRightsAdvocate June 4, 2021

2👍 2👎