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shitty stick

A shitty stick is used to ward off attention from females.

When Crouchinho did his robot dance he had to beat off the women with a shitty stick.

by RedinSweden June 2, 2006

51👍 7👎

shitty stick

an expression similar to not touching a person of the opposite sex 'with a 10ft barge pole'
a metaphorical stick describing the action of fighting off the advances of another person that is not phsyically attractive.

Drunk man: Hey man, that chick looks hot, go chat her up
Not so drunk man: Are you kidding me?! i wouldn't touch her with a shitty stick

by Lucy-fer in the sky with diamonds August 26, 2004

19👍 23👎

shitty stick

When you fuck a person in the ass, then take out your dick, and it has shit on it.

I took my penis out of krystal's anal, and it was covred in poo.

by Mike Lamberti October 29, 2004

11👍 44👎

shitty stick

shit on a stick u dumbass!!!

the hobo saw a shitty stick and decided to eat it!

by Lisa February 16, 2004

3👍 34👎

gobble a shitty stick

to slide your stick in and out a juicy rectum until it gets a nice patina. Then (and only then) it may be gobbled like a roast while you go "mh ya, you like to gobble that thing huh?" and she goes "mhh ya tastes so good.. could gobble all night long"

Na you ma girlfrend! A wont letyou gobble a shitty stick like that!

by mariaaa February 8, 2008

35👍 12👎