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shower rod

The act of a male achieving an erection in the shower, either by a sexual fantasy or vigorous cleansing of the penis.

Bob.....Man, I was showering this morning and I got the biggest hard on thinking about Sally.

Jim.....That's nothing, I totally got a shower rod thinking about the old woman at the lunch counter.

Bob....Wow, what kind of soap are you using, dude.

by hairtoday_gonetomorrow September 11, 2010

10👍 6👎

Minnesota Shower Rod

When a male truck driver takes a Viagra and experiences an erection that lasts longer than 4 hours, he then has sex repeatedly in a 4x6 hotel shower trying to relieve his massive boner.

After my long drive to Minneapolis, I had me one hell of a Minnesota Shower Rod when I saw my mistress.

by xah639 February 12, 2013

2👍 3👎