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sick party

a place, thing or event that is/was of interest or something awesome.

tom: did you end up with that chick last night?
nick: yeh..
tom: oh sick party!

by tom whollo patches March 8, 2006

13👍 1👎

sick party

A bunch of friends sitting around, wearing those doctor masks or whatever...because theyre sick, and going out in public would be inconsiderate

instead of going to school today, my friends and i had a sick party

by james December 15, 2003

4👍 12👎

party sick

a very crazy party that nobody ever remembers the next morning it was so insane. Certain names never party sick, like daniel, mark, and victoria. They dont "party sick".

woah man,did you party sick last night?
yeah, it was so crazy

by gorf chaz July 18, 2009

13👍 5👎