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sissy bitch

A derogatory term; combining sissy and bitch.

A sissy is cowardly and effeminate. A bitch is spiteful and argumentative.

A sissy bitch combines all; someone who speaks a bigger game than they can back up. Someone who whines and complains and prattles on about superficial problems. Someone who attacks/plots against you but is too cowardly to reveal who they are or their reason for attack.

A sissy bitch can be male or female.

Tim: Did you see how whiny Kain got after Louisa blocked him? He acted like it was the biggest tragedy in his life.

Mark: What a sissy bitch.

Steve: Someone's been spreading rumors around that I've been cheating on my girlfriend. Whoever they are, I'll smash their face in if I ever find them.

Dave: You'll never find them, they're hiding like a sissy bitch.

by icantoo June 24, 2007

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sissy bitch

someone you thought cared about you as much as you did about them and it was just a lie.

someone who plays games with your emotions plus everyone elses

a lying bitch

barbara was a sissy bitch when it came to aimee but she is still standing.

by b brooks September 9, 2006

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sissy bitch

she dress like a dude, walk like a dude, act like a dude, and wear tighty whitties.but whines like a bitch.....
a good friend you trust and joke with but is whinny

Aimee stop looking at the shot glass and drink it or are you a sissy bitch.

Hey stop acting like a sissy bitch Aimee.luv ya

by b brooks July 29, 2006

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Sissy Bitch Salesman

A classification of a salesperson being unremarkably afraid to interact with a customer or speaking in such a wisperous tone that people cannot hear shit all from them.

Sam:So John, how many sales did ya rig up today?
John:None, nobody was paying any attention.....
Sam:Arrggghhh your such a Sissy Bitch Salesman!
Sam:Fuck knows how you became a Salesperson!

by Xhskdkddkokddjjdjdsjhg December 24, 2009

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Sissy lizard bitch

Some lame little pasty fuckhead with no chin who thinks he's a "master gamer" and is probably autistic. A sissy lizard bitch constantly questions and contradicts everything you do.

Adrian is such a sissy lizard bitch, he can't even defeat that wall eyed kid Harish in Mario Cart!

by Banana Hammie October 28, 2019

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A pussy-ass cowardice mother fucker who ONLY picks fights that they know they can win - primarily because they are several times stronger than their victim. Someone who is afraid to fight someone of equal strength, or stronger.m
(i.e., a man who only fights women, children, or the physically disabled/handicapped.)

"That faggot fucking sissy-lala-bitch wouldn't come outside his trailer to square up with me when I called him out for strangling his baby's momma."

by Lehetinu June 30, 2022

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Sissy-ass bitch.

See Osama Bin Laden for the definition of this word that has a definition that is too short so I added this here to make it seem longer than it really is.

I hate sentences, bitches.

by Fuck it fuckin pussy. October 7, 2004

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