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Someone testing HIV positive

That dude failed his HIF test - he's got the SLIMMER!!!

by Steyn December 26, 2007

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Person that starts going to the gym to lose an unspecified amount of weight and has no fitness goals beyond looking better in the mirror. This person generally joins right after new years as a resolution to get thin or "slim up."

"There were so many slimmers at the gym I couldn't get on a treadmill."

by Dr. Ferndinand Kovaskis April 13, 2010

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slimmer bucket

before a woman has ever had sex (a.k.a she's a virgin) the woman is refered to as a slimmer bucket. Slimmer bucket refers to a womans sexual anatomy, her genatalia as a slang term just as cunt might, but not as a insult rather just slang inorder to say she is a virgin and a woman at the same time.

Man number 1: "She's still a virgin you know."
Man number 2: "Yeah and i'm gona get in that slimmer bucket tonight."

by Kierowanya October 21, 2007

5👍 3👎

slimmer bucket

before a woman has ever had sex (a.k.a she's a virgin) the woman is refered to as a slimmer bucket. Slimmer bucket refers to a womans sexual anatomy, her genatalia as a slang term just as cunt might, but not as a insult rather just slang inorder to say she is a virgin and a woman at the same time.

guy number 1: "Hey look over there, thats one of the only girls in the school to still be a slimmer bucket."
guy number 2: "nah i popped that slimmer bucket last night."
Man number 1: "She's still a virgin you know."
Man number 2: "Yeah and i'm gona get in that slimmer bucket tonight."

by Kierowanya October 21, 2007

3👍 4👎

bangkok slimmer

The practice of going to a Bangkok, Thailand "blow job bar" at lunchtime and dropping your hard earned baht on a beer and BJ rather than on an actual lunch.

All the curry and Mekong whisky last night didn't set right with me. I think I'm going to beg off a proper lunch and go down to Cowboy and get me a Bangkok Slimmer boys!

by kirk devonshire May 13, 2008

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