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Social Media Influencer

A jobless shithead who testifies his joblessness by means of shitty posts and ideas to brainwash other dumbfucks into believing his futile shit.

My younger brother lost his job 5 years back. These days he calls himself a Social Media Influencer.

by Call Me Daddy2307 August 13, 2018

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social media influencer

A photogenic THOT taking selfies while being used by corporate sponsors to sell you stupid shit you don't need because people have become immune to normal commercials. They are typically followed by SIMPS who think if they like her pictures and comment enough or send her more money that she will notice him and fall in love with him. In secret she hates these men and mocks them to her chad boyfriend. They are too self absorbed to have kids of their own. When they die no one typically cares for longer than it takes to read the article.


by Seta-San December 1, 2020

social media influencers

A group of untalented, immature, obnoxious and disruptive teenage boys who deem themselves "internet celebrities." They upload stupid things all the time. These acts include: throwing water on each other, singing off key, jumping up and down and riding on hotel luggage carts. People actually want to see this shit. The Social Media Infuencers have a strong, avid, cult-like following of horny, desperate and ditsy teenage girls who are absolutely infatuated with these boys. The boys usually go up to their hotel room and proceed to destroy it and post it on the internet. They are also known as cringe lords

Did you see those Social Media Influencers?
Yes, they are assholes

by CringeLords January 13, 2017

Social media influencer

A person who pulls down there pants and yells and minorities.

Hey Chris pull your pants down and yell at that family of Mexicans you would be so cool and a social media influencer

by Coast loke November 1, 2021

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