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Social Worker

An annoying person that tries to get in your fucking business.

Hi john, i got visited by a social worker.
Social workers are so annoying

by ComesToVeryMind March 22, 2020

26πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Social workers

1. A person who works with at-risk populations.

Some who work in this field are wounded healers, some people are burnt out, but many realize the gravity of the work they perform and have a great deal of empathy and compassion for the people they serve. Sometimes a social worker's involvement is unnecessary, but many times it is needed. Many people have negative experiences with social workers because the social worker comes into their life when their family is in crisis. This is specifically the case in child welfare, but understand it is known among child welfare social workers, that child welfare is the most intrusive form of government.

Social workers are not just child welfare workers, but mental health counselors/therapists, non-profit workers (such as domestic violence shelters, group home workers, family resource centers), hospital staff, some lawyers and judges, lobbyists, drug treatment counselors and many more.

The social workers helped me realize it was time to get off drugs.

by thesheba February 27, 2009

116πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

Social Worker

1. A person who cannot handle the reality of his or her own life, and compensates by overindulging in the realities of the lives of strangers.

2. A severely damaged person who cannot be helped, who helps other severely damaged people who cannot be helped, unless they become friends.

3. A person who becomes hostile or violent toward the threat of intimacy.

4. An alcoholic abuser.

When my father died and I needed support, my social worker friend went out drinking ("processing") with her other social worker friends, then completely broke contact until she felt I was well enough not to try and talk about it anymore.

by Dearth Scrupulous December 14, 2008

312πŸ‘ 292πŸ‘Ž

Social Worker

A person who can handle the most mentally draining times, again and again, but continue to wake up feeling driven to serve. These situations include reporting the abuse of the elderly, listening to a former alcoholic/drug addict admit to relapse, witnessing a child have their life beat out of them, seeing first hand the way mental abuse can hurt an individual, feeding children who have had nothing to eat for days, helping a family deal with a suicide of a loved one, find a home for an elderly parent when their family can’t handle them anymore, ensuring the mentally take their medications daily so they don’t end up re-committed into the hospital for erratic behavior and caring for the children who have no one to care for them.

Social Workers do a lot more than i realized.

by HelpingOthersHelpThemselves March 17, 2009

260πŸ‘ 276πŸ‘Ž

social worker

making lots of money out of people's misery. part of the burgeoning 'new professions class' of the late 20thC and usually a socialist, liberal or worse. social workers took over where the church left off. may know the difference between right and wrong but doesn't see why it should apply to them. a secular priest, monk or nun who enforces politically acceptable thought and behaviour on the hapless, helpless and hopeless. talks complete psychobabble with no scientific foundation whatsoever. often pilloried for taking children into care or leaving them to die; whichever the press find most distressing at the time. almost always an insecure individual who should be having therapy not giving it.
MALE of type tries to compensate for the low social status by talking complete bollocks at the pub.
FEMALE, usually a cat owner, likely to be crazy as a coot and in medieval times would have been burned as a witch.
SW MANAGER has generally failed even at this low level and so exacerbates the public's woes with incompetence in leadership.
most SWs try to avoid mentioning it at parties or face the prospect of further rejection. secretly support the British National Party.

social worker; 'As a social worker, I like to consider the full psycho-socio-sexual-ethnic dynamic in operation in any given situation or mele before drawing a tentative conclusion or proposal. I mean, I may not even go so far as to reach a conclusion, perhaps only hinting at a possible resolution, if that's ok with you?, which may in fact or actually not even be so certain as that. Is that wrong d'ya think?? I believe people should be allowed to live their own lives without interference from the state until we interfere. Failure is a negative concept and I don't like to use that word. However, the true answer may only ever be 'Yes'...or...'No' or...'Maybe'.... and it's never absolutely cl..'

normal person; 'Sorry to interupt. I'm afraid it's too late, the child / old person has been battered into the next life!'

by Hedley Clubnobber September 17, 2006

207πŸ‘ 242πŸ‘Ž

social worker

A liberal and/or anthropology major who is unable to get a real job to make a living.

Since Alan was a liberal who flunked out of college, the only job he could find was being a social worker.

by Npard23 May 3, 2007

190πŸ‘ 233πŸ‘Ž

Social Workers

The biggest fucking bitches on the face of the Earth, anyone who ever comes in contact with one should immediately do a 180, and walk straight into the nearest object they see, even if it's sharp or dangerous.

That fucking bitch social workers used me to make themselves look good. I never wanted that minimum wage job in the first place. What's wrong with me?

by Little Izzy January 29, 2009

84πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž