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Sound effects

A nickname fore someone that make random noises and the most inappropriate times.

Dude, Isabelle scream so much, she's such a sound effects.

by Dis Cleavage Tho October 14, 2017

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Sound effects

shlorp shlorp shlorp oh yea yea oh yea yea mama baby succy poopoo diadoo elmo has a big red cock babbbo bobba pepe gogo power shlop vagina flaps that have been stretched to 43285467 feet in diameter pepepepepepepepe dodoo hole is oh yea baby suck suck shlorp shlorp baby mommy sucky knob winky female bigfoot starts jerking my ween and gives me a huge nobber REPETION TITTY TIME

Sound effects r cule and gud

by Cjfalz January 1, 2020

sound effects

To be crazy or stupid while playing video games while online or with friends, or to make words such as douche into sound effects (like the sound of a gun) while playing video games or when there are 18 people swearing really really loudly in different languages.

Swears in different languages.
My sound effects are bloody fucking awesome!
Did you hear that guy using retard sound effects last night?

by really bored dude April 16, 2008

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Bruh sound effect #2

Used to express grief and/or sadness.

Student 1: "Miss, remember that homework you assigned us yesterday."
Teacher: "Ah yes, thank you for reminding me!"
Teacher: "Everyone pull out their homework please!"
*Student 2 realized he hadn't completed the task set by the Teacher*
Student 2: "Bruh sound effect #2"

by poomaster22 January 13, 2019

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bruh sound effect #1

a mythical ancient artefact whose existence is yet to be proved

person 1: yo you ever heard bruh sound effect #1?
person 2: idk, i don't think anyone has

by xSRGman July 22, 2020

Bruh sound effect

When on discord your friend may say a bruh moment statement you must respond with the video bruh sound effect

Friend:Karen took the kid

You:bruh sound effect

by Turtle223 February 5, 2020

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Vine Thud Sound Effect

The sound effect commonly used in not only the social media application Vine but mostly all social platforms it can reach it's awful treacherous claws onto. The Vine Thud Sound Effect consists of a "Boom" sound that lingers on for an additional 1.2 seconds from how a regular explosion would actually sound. It is mostly used when something shocking happens inside the video.

Husband: "I had intercourse with another female."

*Vine Thud Sound Effect*

by Bloodyback November 6, 2021

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