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Ones Genitals

Missy Elliot - Crazy in Love:
"Got em lookin so cray rite now, crazy rite, now make ya go down south"

by Dan Moat November 13, 2003

677๐Ÿ‘ 179๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. The best dam place
2. Three words to describe it are: ice tea, GOD, and the best FOOTBALL the world has ever known!
3. Surprisingly not everyone is a racist, sexist redneck.
4.Best god dam food

5. The south has two religions God and the SEC

The south is the home of the best fried chicken.

by HRT5 November 12, 2014

75๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. lower regions of a designated person, place or thing

2. term used to refer to the lower, warmer states in the USA; most are known for having played roles in the Civil War. Often times the people are stereotyped as being closed minded bigots or inbreeding cultural deficient folk. THIS IS A LIE! Southerners are renowned for their hospitallity though this is not true for all. Yes, most of the Southern states played a part in the pro-slave side of the Civil War but people today are more open-minded and educated. People of today can not be blamed for events beyond their control. Also fabled for greasy, salty fattening foods. I need only point out to a northern McDonalds to prove that this is a common misconception although we do make pretty good fried chicken.

3. the south pole

Most of you people don't know anything about the South!

by Luna December 7, 2003

372๐Ÿ‘ 262๐Ÿ‘Ž



down under

by Arnold the governator October 21, 2003

59๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A direction, usually seen pointing downward on a compass.

2. A fairly large region of the United States. It consists of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and the southern half of Virginia. Sometimes Florida is considered part of the South. Kentucky and Missouri are NOT the South. Because of some Southern cultural and social connections, these two states are often considered Southern, but they are Midwestern states.

1. Okay, so to get from Indianapolis to Louisville, you'll have to go south.

2. Missouri and Kentucky are not the South because they had large numbers of Irish and German immigrants, they didn't have strong institutions of slavery, and a lot of the people don't even sound Southern; they have neutral-sounding North or South Midland accents. Only the southernmost third of Kentucky and the southernmost parts of Missouri have truly "southern-sounding" people. Plus most of their economic ties are with their fellow Northern states around them, lots of people in Kentucky are descended from Pennsylvanians who came to Kentucky when it was the frontier in the late 1700s, and the overwhelming majority of both Kentuckians and Missourians fought for the North during the Civil War.

by The Midwestrn Soldier June 5, 2006

100๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


- Southern area
- a spot where half of the farmers are drunk
- a nuts talkitive kid whose real name is Southall

Lets visit the south!

by Polliforny June 13, 2013

18๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


A womens backside
Rated 1-10 on how much junk she packs in her trunk
10 being a suitcase of plumpness and 1 being nothing but a meere hand bag, an EMPTY hand bag. also used as a code name when parental units are around

Damn mama packing a 10 in da south

by pascual jr May 4, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž