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spaghetti hoop

a snacc that must be consumed, cold and straight from the tin with fork, preferably in the shower or bath.

a person who is cute that you want to eat in the shower.

my boyfriend is totally a spaghetti hoop.

because i wanna blow him in the shower.

by Nelly word January 7, 2021

Spaghetti Hoops Eater

The type of person that would eat spaghetti hoops clearly has mental problems and is seen as gay in society. Any man/women that chooses Spaghetti Hoops over Beans should be killed at once

Person A : Look That Man Is A Spaghetti Hoops Eater
Person B : Yes He Escaped From The Gay Mental Hospital Yesterday

by Truefactzzz December 9, 2019

2👍 7👎