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stop time

A special time at which you must STOP.

Person 1: Omg, its, like, stop time! But I want to talk annoyingly more!

Person 2: NO. It's time to STOP!

by bruhthisismyhandle August 21, 2021

8👍 1👎


a stupid phrase used by kanimou randomly

Person 1: *says something totally unrelated to the conversation*

by 4TechGuns March 21, 2021

2👍 1👎

Time Stop Hentai

A hentai featuring a generic male protagonist, with hair long enough to cover the eyes, as he stops time to have sexual intercourse with his totally not related by blood stepsisters in order to flex on his father. As you can see, this mad lad is clearly not in it for the more primitive desires, for he is an intellectual far superior then you can comprehend. This 5000 IQ act was solely to flex on his father, so much so that a fambase of other intellectuals rallied together to flex on 'the world', and you know I'm serious cause I said 'the world' and not Za Warudo.

Fambase: Lord Nuxanor, Time Stop Hentai is appearing in the search bar of Pornhub!

Lord Nuxanor: Clearly this was done by intellectuals.

by FantaWriter November 26, 2019

12👍 2👎

Time-stop Disease

A disease that makes it so whenever somebody timestops in a bizzare day(Roblox game) the patient with the disease has to reset. Can spread if the person trying to kill them is a loser. Image is what happens in their brain.

Oh no he has Time-stop Disease!

by Deathhead42 August 20, 2019

3👍 1👎

Stop sign fun time

Shoving a stop sign in your booty

I just had stop sign fun time on the corner of my street.

by Ilovestopsigns June 6, 2018

2👍 1👎

Time Stop

What every fucking kid uses when they are losing in a 1v1

guy 1: *uses time stop*
guy 2: “wow this kid really needs TS

by chacharealsmooth2400 February 11, 2022