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Sushi Train

The act of a group of Japanese business men railing your arse hole.

Isaac was stuck in Tokyo without any money. He decided to whore himself out and become a Sushi Train.

by R.S. Lyckr February 15, 2015

Sushi Train

A collective noun to describe a group of Japanese tourists, particularly if they are carrying expensive cameras and are adorned excessively in branded merchandise.

"Yo Elisa, Check out that sushi train over there!"

Elisa " Holy shit! Is there a hello-kitty convention nearby or something?"

by Fadiastheonlyone July 22, 2016

sushi train

Is three or more girls all licking the pussy of the girl in front of them in a train shaped layout.

Damn thats a good looking sushi train.

by Kent November 9, 2004

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