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sweet and pretty

How you describe a girl who has amazing hair, sparkling eyes, and the best face. Most beautiful girl you know. If she gets a compliment about her beauty she will always return a compliment about how beautiful the person who complimented her is. Even if they are a fugly, fat loser. Makes you feel amazing and unable to stop smiling.

Girl 1(short and greasy hair, grandma glasses, and atrocious braces): I love your hair today it's super pretty when it's wavy.
Girl 2(long flowing hair, nice glasses, perfect teeth): Aww thanks! You are so cute and I love your glasses!
Girl 1(super big grin): Thank you so much! You are so sweet and pretty.

by BookAndMathNerd April 7, 2016

5👍 2👎

my sweet pretty baby

your gorgeous girl. the love of your life. the sweetest, prettiest girl you've seen. Shes the love of my life.

Chloe: youre my sweet pretty baby
Annabelle: only yours my love

by bonfirebychildishgambino May 7, 2024