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Tabby Cat

An older woman who chases after younger gay men whether for an actual relationship or not. Does not involve sex.

I'm not a cougar, I'm a tabby cat.

Who's that woman you are with? I thought you were gay? Oh that's my tabby, she pays the bill.

by Thae2541 February 24, 2013

17👍 11👎

Tabby Cat

Female with an unattractive face that in some way resembles that of a feline, and or one who leaves a jacket at a male's house in an attempt to ensure future contact

Dude we just burned tabby cat's jacket, "good tell her to give me back my bottle and to do something about that face while shes at it"

by Evelyn Mercer June 28, 2008

11👍 43👎

Tabby cat

Tabby cat is a cat

Tabby cat 😱
Omg the tabby cat is so cute

by bwakery May 31, 2021

5👍 2👎

Tabby cat

When a girls ass is wiped from the back to the front causing a brown spotted vagina

I went down on her but she had a tabby cat

by Trry420 January 18, 2019

5👍 3👎

Razzlemataz My Tabby Cat

Pronounced "Raz-zel-ma-taz My Tab-by Cat". Slang for "Fuck My Pussy"

Hey there, wanna Razzlemataz my tabby cat?

by bossofcreepers20 February 20, 2018