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Talena is an amazingly beautiful woman who is kind-hearted and loyal to a fault. Talena will cheer you up on your worse days, and pull out all the stops for the one she loves and holds dear. Talena will bring a smile to your face anytime without realizing why, but her quirks are what naturally makes her funny and adorably cute. Talena is courageous, and bold, and even sometimes feisty if you cross the line. But at the end of the day, Talena is a sincere, good person, a great friend, a great family member, and an amazing lover. You need a Talena in your life. But finding a Talena is very RARE, so if you find one, consider yourself blessed and highly favored, if you can win her affections, you are lucky forever.

Him: Talena is the most beautiful and amazing woman I have ever met. I miss her!
Friend: You still crying over her? Haven't you met more beautiful, amazing women since her?
Him: Yes, but none is a diamond-like her. Talena is the real deal, and one of a kind. I love her, no other woman has come close to being as genuine and pure as her. Talena, my nurturing, loving queen.

Friend: Perhaps she was the one?

Him: Perhaps she was...In fact, now I realize she was... I regret losing My Talena.

by CherryBlossomDream November 25, 2021


Noun: (Ta-lay-nuh): Artistic girl of taller proportions that is often found saying stupid things and is usually found in a state of sleep deprivation. Greatly enjoys the company of others, especially those with stranger senses of humor.

Crowd: "So didja hear about how that Talena kicked a lolicon in the-- *Pbbbbbt!* Oh what the hell!? Who did that?!"
Haruko:*raises hand* "I pooted >:"

by Talena May 17, 2008

75👍 43👎

Talena Atfield

Ex-bassist of alternative metal band Kittie for the time period 1999-2002.

Currently works with fellow ex band mate Fallon Bowman in the industrial band Amphibious Assault.

Quoted reason for leaving Kittie, posted on her official message board:

"I would like to clear something up, the money wasn't an issue for me and that was not the reason for my departure, they replaced me before I even left. They gave me an ultimatum, to sign something I was unable to sign because it did not benefit me in the least and did not give me control over myself, they said to sign it or leave because they had already found someone new to play bass. And that right there was enough for me to decide on, if they could replace me that quickly without even talking to me then they obviously didn't want me there anyways. They can state whatever reasons they want for me leaving. They don't even know why because they never even called me to talk to me about it, they had Jeff call me to tell me the news, and I am sure it makes them look better if I am a "money grubbing whore" or so they have been saying." -TALENA ATFIELD

No example for Talena Atfield, it does not make sense!

by CruzDemon April 11, 2007

61👍 9👎

Talena Atfield

Ex-bassist of Kittie who couldn't really play a good bassline to save her life.

Kittie kicked Talena Atfield out after they found out she sucked at bass.

by winefromyourtears June 19, 2005

42👍 142👎