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Tampon String

A phrase used to describe a girl wearing an insanely short skirt or dress. It is usually a yellow piece of clothing. The girl in question can be, but does not have to be, a slore.

Lauren: Oh my god! Did you see that yellow skirt Briana was wearing today?

Claire: I know! I could totally see her tampon string!

Lauren: This is absurd!

by bonelookingforahome February 2, 2011

9👍 3👎

Tampon String

the real one: it is something that is connected to your tampon which collects the nice smelly salmon scent that exits out of the second hole of the vagina.

the funny one: when your messing with someone

Special K: your an ass
Kentucky fried shelby: WHAT DID I DO?
Special K: im just pulling your tampon string.

by keeeelllsssyyy November 6, 2007

4👍 21👎

Tampon Strings

A Greek city in Pinellas County, also known as Tarpon Springs.

I live in Tampon Strings.

by Mynde September 12, 2009

16👍 8👎

I can see your tampon string from here

said to one of your male friends when he is complaining about something, implying he's a moaning bitch who is on the blob.

John: "my feet are killing me from all the walking!"
Mike: "hey John, I can see your tampon string from here, mate"

by diRiculous May 7, 2011

8👍 2👎