Source Code


Actually a truck in India, but used in slang to describe a man who prefer the company of multiple men at once

Guy 1: Yo, you know Rakesh?
Guy 2: Yeah, hes a fucking Tempu

by Ghanda Aanda October 22, 2018

26πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


One who does not suck, and totally rocks out loud.

One who is cute.

One who is admired by X.

"She's Tempu, so she rocks."

by TempuFan June 23, 2005

14πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Tempus Vox

John Grisham

Tempus Vox: Jen, I am John Grisham.


29πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Tempus Fugit

Latin: Time Flies (Time Flees)

Tempus Fugit: Time Flies - especially when one is having fun!

Nutty flying clock that wants to have fun

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock.... WooooHoooooo!!!!!!

by TempusFugit July 20, 2006

32πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Tempus Fuckit

(n) That moment in your life when you start letting yourself say "fuck" out loud, accompanying or resulting in a sudden, long-term or permanent increase in overall propensity to swear.

Typical age at tempus fuckit is between your mid-teens and mid-20s, but it can occur earlier or much later. No specific trigger required, but often follows a recent, persistent increase in the amount of stress in your daily lifeβ€”learning to drive, experiencing a messy breakup, watching your first group project descend into a death spiral, taking a job in retail, etc. The requisite long-term effect means a tempus fuckit can only be identified well after the fact.

Children parroting someone else's cursing for the first time, without knowing what it means, are NOT having their tempus fuckit. An adult who says "fuck" once in their lives and then goes back to their normal selection of oaths has not had a tempus fuckit. The tempus fuckit is an informed, if not deliberate, decision that becomes a habit.

The tempus fuckit as a rite of passage is rather like your first hangover: a thing to joke or commiserate about, but not something to be proud of.

I think my tempus fuckit happened sometime back when I was teaching myself to code. It's funny because when I was a kid I thought "god" was a dirty word; now, if my rubber ducky were alive, its ears would be bleeding.

by nerdnerdburger October 18, 2018

10πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A young man who is always in his head. Tempus likes poetry and fantasy, and probably likes it when his friends call him petnames as a joke.

Amber: Have you met Tempus?
River: Who, the one who writes alot of poetry?
Amber: Yeah, that one

by Tempuslovessushi October 25, 2022


A young man who likes poetry and wearing suits.

Amber: Have you met Tempus?
River: Yeah, the one who writes alot of poetry right?
Amber: Thats the one.

by Tempuslovessushi October 25, 2022