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thanks in advance

An expression of entitlement disguised as gratitude. The implicit message in giving thanks for something that hasn't been done is that it WILL be done. This expression also excuses the user from having to provide actual gratitude after the request is completed.

Have those reports on my desk before you leave today. Thanks in advance!

by j33433 September 15, 2014

66👍 13👎

thanks in advance

The last sentence found in questions asked by most people online. Commonly found in help forums or almost everywhere.

Often looked down upon by others, especially as a first impression.

"Can I get help with this function?

Thanks in advance!"

by Deathspawn February 6, 2010

37👍 15👎

Thanks In Advance

Opposite of providing a public service. Quite the contrary; to expect or redeem, to posess a sense of self entitlement

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." And for God's sake, be more responsible than "claiming" to use protection and "claiming" to be a single stay at home mom living high on the hog because you have no choice.

Grow up and get a job already you 30 year old teenager!

High on the hog thanks in advance

by bubbles696969 February 28, 2010

8👍 35👎