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Internet Troll

The internet troll is a sub-human creature who is usually a sociopath. The Internet Troll, or “Troll”, has only one purpose in their life online and that is to spite, anger or sadden anyone who walks the plane of the internet. They also commonly in the earlier 2010’s have been seen toppling any structured art, community or entity on the internet by destroying it using their vast numbers. They have no loyalty, no allegiance and no agenda. Sometimes they can be seen organizing attacks, frequently on the website 4chan on the message board /b/. It goes without saying that trolls are usually racist and sexist as that provokes more reactions.

Jim: “Damn did you see Amber Heard’s comment section
Sean: “No she disabled it”
Jim: “yeah it was full of Internet trolls attacking her”
Sean: “Stop licking my forehead Jim”
Jim: “I’m sorry”

by Danny Despacito May 1, 2020

Internet troll

A person on the internet who pranks or trolls people

The Internet troll was really the trollge who groomed people

by bakfjeidfjhgjriedfjgnjrkerjfhg April 22, 2021

Internet Troll


Zen is an internet troll. (Not the IRL Zen btw)

by I hate trolls cause they suck March 27, 2022

Rule 101 of the internet

Rule 101: All rules of the internet must be followed, no questions

Mike: hey, what happens if I don't follow a rule of the internet?
Anonymous: Rule 101 of the internet states you must follow all rules, if you don't, you DIE,

by Papa Ronin July 20, 2020

internet mindset

Internet Mindset is a term used to describe how eager people are to see rule34 or some kind of weird fetishes of a certain person or thing

Bro 1: ayo bruh you seen insert show, movie, anime here
Bro 2: yea bruh wish that there was some bondage porn of insert character here
Bro 1: bruh you have a fucking internet mindset dawg

by ThatOneGuyWhoWatchesAnime July 19, 2019

Internet Music

Internet Music is a loosely defined group of music from all sorts of genre that are noted to only be listened to be chronically online individuals.

Examples of artists include:


Ecco2k/Bladee and other Drain Gang related artists




And so forth.


Person 2: ''Err...no. Sorry. Not a big internet person. Haha.....'I dont like internet music.....''

by TylerTheInventor January 28, 2023

a Product of the Internet

Someone who has been shaped by internet culture; their personality, intrests, takes or tastes, being tailored by online trends.

Alternatively it can refer to someone who is alternative or unsual as a result of exposure to such aspects online at a young age.

Example: Wilbur soot. (source: Soot, Wilbur. "The internet ruined me". Youtube. 25th May, 2020.)

"I feel like i'm a disappointment."

"Well... you are pretty much 'a Product of the Internet'."

by Janice the Bathroom Cleaner January 9, 2023