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The Late Show

When your girl takes popcorn and copious amounts a butter, coats your cock in it, and then proceeds to eat/suck it all off

My girl decided to give me the Late Show while we watched the movie 🍿

by Smooth and Cool November 20, 2018

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Late Late Show

The show hosted by Craig Ferguson. Comes on after David Letterman at 12:36 am on CBS.

Can be abbreviated LLS or TLLS.

"My favorite late night talk shows are The Tonight Show and the Late Late Show."

by :DDDDDDDDD August 5, 2008

46πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Late late show

If you’re reading this... Tell james corden to kidnap one direction :)) PLEASE I need one direction

James, Can you kidnap one direction? Please. Send it to the late late show’s social media ;)

by onedirection.xoxo November 5, 2020

The late show

Police terminology for 3rd shift.where.depending on the precinct.things can either be crazy y pretty tranquil.

Since Harry bosch is now semi retired michael connelly wrote . the late show to introduce us to a new female protagonist

by 4realazitgits March 23, 2021