Source Code

The Parrot

The goal of the parrot is for the man to set his full package (testicles, scrotum, and penis) upon an unsuspecting partners shoulders, just like a pirate. With the testes acting as the body and the penis acting as the head of the parrot. The man can add phrases such as; "Braaak, Polly wants a cracker"; "Yaarrgh"; "I want to plunder your booty" and so on.

"After I showered, I was looking for my hairbrush in the cabinet under the sink and my husbands parrot landed on my shoulder."

"I gave my wife the parrot and said that she looked just like Blueballs the Pirate."

by telemarker August 16, 2009

27πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

The Parrot

The act of giving someone the Parrot is when you drape you penis over a unsuspecting persons shoulder and with 1 arm reach around and hand them a cracker so they can feed the bird (penis on their shoulder)

Why do you have crackers in your pocket? wait until i drink Taeghan is going to feed the parrot

by Touge_Drifter October 17, 2012

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

The Parrot

The Parrot (verb)
When a woman continues to talk after having sex and the only way to shut her up is to throw a blanket over her so she'll go to sleep.

Guy: Man this chick will not shut the fuck up.

Me: hmm hold on *throws blanket over her*.
Guy: What did you do that for?

Me: When you want birds to sleep you cover their cage and they think it's dark and time to sleep.

Guy: sweet
Me: Yea, I call it the parrot

by Some guy#2 January 1, 2017

6πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

The Parrot

While a girl is on her knees throwing up into the toilet, a guy does her from behind.

Last night Brad did the parrot to his girlfriend... how nice that while he is helping her with sympathy, she was helping him with sex.

by KEVbaseball10 May 6, 2010

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A person who copies other people

F: Hey P
P: Hey P
J: Stop being a parrot
P: Stop being a parrot
L: He’s parrotpranking you

by Ace the simp May 24, 2023

31πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

to parrot

To put your cock on someone's shoulder as if it were a parrot.

John: I tried to parrot Judy last night!
Bill: Cool story, bro!

Carter: I totally parroted Judy last night!
Eric: Cool story, bro!

Daniel: I can't wait to parrot Judy tonight!
Mike: You motherfucker!

by theParrottron March 27, 2012

23πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The act of repeating heard information without educating oneself on the subject or forming an intelligent argument of one's own.

"That guy doesn't know what he's talking about. He's just parroting what he read in a headline."

by MisanthropyReigns November 9, 2018

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