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The usual suspects

Usually referring to african-americans who commit crimes.

News: "Asian woman gets attacked on the street for no reason"
*Suspect is african-american*
George : "Ah yes, the usual suspects."

by Blasfemy August 22, 2022

312👍 10👎

The usual suspects

What racist white people like to describe black people as, "the usual suspects" without explicitly saying black people. Sadly this has become somewhat of a trend by accounts with no real name or profile pictures.

TMJ4 Milwaukee: another sad case of a deadly shooting tonight...
YouTube: let me guess... The usual suspects right?

by latrelljennings August 17, 2022

93👍 306👎

usual suspects

people or things that one would expect or anticipate

While they were the usual suspects, they were the easiest targets of the protests.

by The Return of Light Joker July 31, 2010

60👍 48👎

Usual Suspects ending

Shit - you never saw that one coming.

"She's going to save herself till marriage?"


"But she looks like a pornstar. She always shows off her tits, and flirts, and flaunts it!"

"I know it's like the Usual Suspects ending."

"Fuck. I'd dump her if I were you. Dirty cock tease."

by pH Balance January 31, 2008

65👍 27👎