Source Code

The Death Star

Whilst fisting your partner, you extend all 5 fingers mimicing the act of the death star exploding.

"Dude, my girlfriend was pissing me off all day so I gave her the Death Star and sent her to the hospital."

by The DeathChip September 29, 2013

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The Death Star

The act of having anal sex with your girlfriend and then stepping back 6 feet while her anus is still dilated and trying to hit the hole like Luke did when he destroyed the Death Star.

I sware to god my girlfriends ass was so wide I couldve pulled The Death Star.

by J Sanctuary May 14, 2009

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The Death Star

Destroying the death star or doing the death star relates to the act of having sex with a fat girl. She has to be big enough though to acquire the nickname death star.

Dude I got destroyed by the death star last night.

by Moonyurmum April 7, 2011

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The Death Star

When you are fucking a girl in the ass and right before you cum you pull out and shoot your load into her gaping asshole before it closes. Just like in the Star Wars movie he had a limited time and a small target to shoot in order to successfully blow up the Death Star.

I'm so proud of myself man I succeeded in performing the Death Star last night , she couldn't believe I made it!

by Krazywelderchick January 22, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Death Star

When you are fucking a girl in the ass and right before you cum you pull out and shoot your load into her gaping asshole before it closes. Just like in the Star Wars movie he had a limited time and a small target to shoot in order to successfully blow up the Death Star.

I'm so proud of myself man I succeeded in performing the Death Star last night , she couldn't believe I made it!

by Krazywelderchick January 22, 2017

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The Death Star

When you are engaged in anal sex and the girl farts, sending a burst of air up your urethra, exploding your testicles like the Death Star.

I had to get testicular implants after my girlfriend gave me the Death Star last Taco Night.

by Victor Wood March 31, 2014

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Death Star

A powerful weapon that is susceptible to any form of attack. So far is 0 for 2 in victories.

A feather at the end of a long stick makes a formidable weapon against the DEATH STAR.

by Resorath July 3, 2004

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