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The Little Mexican

Hitting on your friends wives, girlfriends, etc.. In a non-threatening, back door way. Using your friendship as a gate way to grope, fondle, talk dirty too, using a DJ voice to bad mouth you to your girl to make himself look better even front of his fiance B. Also, but not limited to strangers, young girls, and feet.
Seduction includes stress ring that doubles as a wedding band.
A.K.A. The Turtle

The Little Mexican. Hanging with a group of friends and their wives. He will make every effort to hit on every one of the wives before the night is through, while taking every opportunity to make the husbands look bad. The classic I'm really a better friend than your husband.

by The V Pack June 17, 2009

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little mexican

The act of being a little mexican. Also never talking to women but fantasizing about dating one of the hottest girls in the school and thinking you have a chance. Symptoms include following random hot girls on insta and liking their pics even if they have a boyfriend and or making fun of other guys for talking to girls. Also being very short.

Dude Pat Bernal is being such a little mexican.

by DoDo1212 November 12, 2015

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

sneaky little mexican

the sneaky, border-hopping mexicans that come into this country and steal our children!

oliver is such a fucking sneaky little mexican!

by deepthoughts528 July 11, 2006

36πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Angry little Mexican syndrome

When people named Oscar are bitches, and get mad at every little thing.(especially Oscar) they also love to hate on others

When Oscar got mad because he lost a fight in Minecraft, he got angry little Mexican syndrome

by ThΓͺReΓ’l1 October 11, 2020