Source Code

the phantom

n. A sudden, usually unnoticeable, expulsion of feces from one's anus, similar in quality to diarrhea. Black in color and containing no solid matter whatsoever, the phantom leaves a burning sensation inside the subject after it has run its course. It can most often be mistaken for urination by those nearby, but the foul odor and seemingly infinite wipe-time are clear signs.

v. to phantom - To disharge feces in the form of the phantom.

"I ate a chicken bowl this morning, and an hour later I had the phantom."

"I was graced by the phantom's presence in my chambers this morning. Looks like it's laundry day for me."

"I phantomed when I got home, that was just too much hot sauce."

by C Dizzle September 15, 2005

60๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

the phantom

When you take a shit and you look to see your work, and the shit has disappeared into the pipe. It vanished.

I just had a phantom shit, I can't see it at all.

by Bouch March 3, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

the phantom

When someone is performing oral sex, their partner, the one receiving lets out a silent but deadlyfart as they're about to cum and holds the performing artist's head down, keeping their junk in their mouth forcing their partner to breath through their nose and smell the gaseous apparition, then pulling out and ejaculating in their face to make them a white ghostly Phantom. That is the REAL Phantom... Other 'phantoms' listed on here are The Houdini, which should be finished with a TaDa!

While Jan was going down on Billy, his perfectly timed bodily functions allowed him to give Jan the Phantom.

by paulyg October 7, 2007

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the phantom

A grafiti artist in los Angeles, His work can be seen on the cover of rage against machines The battle for los angeles.

Yo did you see the phantoms throw ups

by G00000000000Gle bob October 30, 2006

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the phantom

hockin a loogie on your partners back so they think youve gone and cummed on their back and when they turn around to yell at you for cummin on their back you cum on their face!!! buahaha

ahh you came on my back you fag *turns around and gets load in face*

by assgoblin February 10, 2004

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the phantom

when your doing a girl in the butt and spit on her back so she turns around, thinking you busted, and you shoot it in her eye

i was doing this girl in the butt and she wouldn't stop squealing so i decided to pull a phantom on her pig ass

by pat May 6, 2004

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to disappear without notice from a party; to go 'phantom'

Also can be used as a nickname for people who commonly do this

hey where'd mike go?
dunno, must have gone phantom

by Andy-roo October 31, 2007

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