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Thick as fuck

When a chick is juicy in all the right places, a lovely figure

Bro 1: Damn brotein shake look at that chick
Bro 2: Damn brorack brobama she's thick as fuck

by bigballerzbrand February 27, 2018

16👍 8👎

thick fuck

tongue in cheek insult to someobody of a lesser wit

what d'ya do that for, ya thick fuck?

by Emperor Xist February 1, 2006

26👍 19👎

Psychic thick fuck

A psychic -thick-fuck is someone just like myself who does nothing when something that could be predicted but wasn't.....e.g. I saw a cup teetering on the edge of the table and didn't do owt except watch it fall!

See above....I Lynne's glass was going to fall but I let it anyway but. That's my psychic thick fuck

by Chizzers April 30, 2022