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three strikes

Whena person has been accused and convicted of three crimes and goes to jail for life. Like what Tupac said in the song Runnin.

Tupac- My main man hade two strikes, slipped, got arrested and flipped. Screamed thug life and emptied his clip.

by J-Kick April 9, 2005

41👍 16👎

three strikes

Short way to explain the speeding penalty in New York.
According to the NYS Driver's Manual:
"Your license will be REVOKED for at least six months if you are found guilty of:

THREE speeding and/or misdemeanor traffic violations within 18 months (based on date of violation, not date of conviction)."
NOTE: CAPS = emphasis.

When the cop pulled me over for speeding he struck me out, as I had 2 speeding tickets last year.

by Garndog January 17, 2004

11👍 6👎

Three-Strikes-You're-Out Method

A classic interview technique consisting of asking 3 questions to decide on 1 out of 2 final applicants for a position.

"Welcome applicants! Today, the DDFU will be using he classic Three-Strikes-You're-Out Method to select our new Vice President."

by DDFU Executive VP June 11, 2017

Three finger fluster strike

When you surprise her by putting 3 fingers in her pussy.

I totally pulled a three finger fluster strike on her!

by Alek Wright February 23, 2022

three strike rule

When you take a dump three times before having to start your day at work. It is an automatic day off.

I called off work today and told them "I struck out". I broke the three strike rule.

by tripleRdeuce April 21, 2023