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Thugz Mansion

Google "Thugz Mansion" lyrics, 2pac, for the full story.

Thugz Mansion was 2pac's vision of heaven -- going through so much pain, the Thugz Mansion <i>was</i> perfect ... it was where HE would be happy ... not some cloud-in-the-sky version of heaven without carnal satisfaction ... but a down-to-earth envisionment of reality without pain.

Ain't no place I'd rather be
Chillin' with homies and family
Sky high, iced out paradise
In the skyyyyyyyyyy..
Ain't no place I'd rather be
Only place that's right for me
Chromed out mansion in paradise
In the skyyyyyyyyyy..

~Anthony Hamilton (On Thugz Mansion)

by Manduke October 9, 2006

74๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thugz Mansion

(noun) an iced out paradise where homies n G's go when they get dropped; where they can hangout and smoke shit w/o gettin into fuqed wit the pOlice

Lord, remember this face save me a place at Thugz Mansion...

by dC December 16, 2003

116๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


I'm surprised at y'all.Really. DL--"DownLow" ie: hidden,concealed. DL THUGZ (alternate spelling of "thugs") Are young men of the, shall we say: "urban" persuasion. Black,and, less frequently Latino. Who like to freak with other guys or are just "gay for pay". Due to all kinds of homophobia and bull shit in their own communities they prefer that this remain secrect, hidden ie"on the Down Low" just an" urban contemporary" update to the old notion of "Rough Trade"

"are you going to Jeremy's party? there's gonna be all kindsa DL Thugz there!"

by ra ra January 3, 2008

215๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thugz Cuny

Thugz Cuny Reference To Pimps Bitches Or Hoes, Protected Pussy Avoid Or Engage At Your Own Peril.

Stay Away From Them There Thugz Cuny m8

by Thugz Cuny February 17, 2009

Thugz Mansion

the only place where thugs get in free and you've gotta be a G, where dem niggaz go when we die.

At Thugz Mansion I drank Peppermint Schnapps with Jackie Wilson and Sam Cooke.

by Nick D April 1, 2003

84๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bloody thugz

a man who is a a thug and is capping and always A Bloody

SHUD UP BRAV, Bloody Thugz

by Shotmanz uncle May 14, 2021

thugz mansion

a place where g's do what they want to do without being shot at

tupacs thug mansion

by blitz jean January 2, 2004

36๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž