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Tickle your peach

A bromance that includes grabbing each other's sacks

You and John are so close. Does he tickle your peach?

by r58382i583818p473727 January 29, 2016

1👍 1👎

Tickles your peach

referring to the saying "whatever floats your boat, and tickles your peach"

Whatever floats your boat and tickles your peach

by Queen Macey November 5, 2015

Whatever tickles your peach

Whatever you want/say. Can be used if talking to a person you want to get rid of. *Is not a sex term*

P1:Hey you want to met at Mickey D's for some Big Macs??
P2:Whatever tickles your peach

P1:How bout 2 o'clock on Saturday??
P2:Whatever tickles your peach

by YoungMoneyJr April 29, 2010

52👍 26👎

Has somebody tickled your peach?

this means when somebody has got on the wrong side of you, or pissed you off

'hey how are you'

'dont talk to me'
'has somebody tickled your peach?'

by charl j February 15, 2014

35👍 2👎