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A device employed to waste someones time. Not to be confused with a waste of time.

Me: Chris! Hey Chris!
Chris: What?!
Me: Timewaste

by Pickle.Rick November 21, 2020

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


An unproductive, unprofessional person who consistently frustrates their peers and colleagues by wasting their time.

Our web site has been down for a week and that timewaster from the IT department still doesn't have a clue as to what the problem is. I haven't got time for timewasters!

by PatsFanatic July 26, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A flirtatious woman who will give men the misleading impression that she is attracted to them romantically or sexually, but in reality, she wants nothing more than a purely platonic friendship with a man.

Francine is a Timewaster and a cockteaser. She loves to string guys along making them think they are going to have sex with her one day soon, when she knows good and well that she will never agree to have sex with those men.

I hate going to nightclubs. Most of the women who frequent nightclubs are nothing but Attention Whores, golddiggers, and Timewasters. It's not like they are going to go home with you and have sex.

Most Pickup Artists teach men how to approach women, establish rapport with them, and be charming, but very few of the top PUAs really teach you how to identify and avoid women who are Timewasters. Those women will always make you think they are interested in you just so they can play head games with you and manipulate you

by Yeezus Fan December 23, 2013

63๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who submits words to urban dictionary solely in an effort to waste the time of the people who approve the words on urban dictionary

Even if you think it's been a very small waste of your time. Times that by the number of people who've read this timewaster definition and it's wasted at least as much time as it's took to write it

by un-herd February 2, 2015

20๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. a waste of time

v. to waste time

Person 1: Typing out three words "waste of time" is a huge timewaste.
Person 2: Oh man, I guess I've been timewasting all this time.

by willbchou March 14, 2011


This is a day to appreciate your specific anyone that felt like wasted your time over the past or present. Let them know that they are great waste of time to you and other ppl. You get so attached to them that you forget they might be using you or just making you think they part of your life which they arenโ€™t. At the end their ass gonna leave you question less and wonโ€™t even explain why or it could just be they just wanted to know for a while and have a roster.

So be safe out there king and queens ๐Ÿ‘‘ !!!


Emily : hey, we should go out this Saturday to this cafe ?

John : I canโ€™t I am going to have to study for my exam

Emily : thatโ€™s cool maybe once youโ€™re free

John : ye for sure

Emily: โ€ฆ*reschedules plan*

John : left on delieverd

HAPPY TIMEWASTER DAY : someone who comes in your life or a person/thing/ or anything that make u believe u wasting your value at them.

by Purr454 April 11, 2024