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Top Bollocks

Used as another name for a females breasts

"she has lovly top bollocks"

by Xod August 1, 2005

43👍 5👎

top bollocks

boobs. the female equivalent of testicles, except with a different purpose and higher.

Michael: Check out the blonde, nice set of top bollocks.

by mark May 16, 2003

55👍 12👎


Tits, basically

Nice top-bollocks, Jordan

by Simon Baby Fat Head February 12, 2004

15👍 2👎

top bollocks

something, or someone that is the best in their company or position

shopper: i'm not satisfied with this service, where's the top bollocks at?
assistant: sorry sir, the manager is in his office, i'll go and get him

drinker: what a good beer this is, it is really the top bollocks
barman: thanks a lot, hope you enjoy it

by andrewm88 October 5, 2006

14👍 27👎