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tractor supply

Where high schoolers on the eastern shore go to have sec in their car but always get caught by the cops

“Hey do you wanna have sex

Yea let’s go behind the tractor supply”

by Georgia Snelsire June 19, 2021

Tractor Supply co.

A store that has nothing to do with tractors and instead sells adorable baby chicks and chick eggs. (the animal)

dude one: hay buddeh i need some stuff for my tractor. do you think i should go to the tractor supply co. stoor thats down the street?

dude two: hellz no bro that place sells everything except tractor stuff.

dude one: ahh ok.

dude two: we should go there anywayz kuz there is freken adorable baby chicks there that we can awe at. :D

dude one: ok!! :D

by a random funny person May 15, 2011

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