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transitive property

The notion that, when a woman (or man, depending on how you swing) has given you a blow job, and then has kissed you at some point in the future, you have then, by transmission, had your dick in your mouth. This also applies to when it was someone else's dick being sucked, and then transferred to you in the act of kissing the one who had sucked dick.

A sucks B's dick, then A procedes to make out with B. therefore, B, through transitive property, had its own dick in his mouth.

A sucks B's dick, then later makes out with C. therefore, C has had B's dick in its mouth

by legatusmortis September 1, 2010

161πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž

transitive property

Invented by one Mark "Chewy", applicable in nearly all social situations. Often used to get some and or burn someone for being stupid.

If you drink a refridgerated beverage, by the transitive property OJ did it.


by Jesus (the real one) January 2, 2007

36πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

Transitive Property

1. If A=B, and B=C, then A=C. Used in Geometry.

2. If Person A hooks up with Person B, and Person B hooks up with person C, person A has hooked up with person C. This property is hated by most high school/college age persons.

3. Definition 2, as a verb. To hook up with someone by the transitive property.

1. Angle XYZ is congruent to angle BAC by the transitive property.

2. I got with Dana yesterday, she got with Joe the day before... Now I've hooked up with Joe by the transitive property... damn.

3. We all unknowingly pulled a massive transitive property by hooking up with Julie.

by Sable5CrossesPotentOr December 15, 2008

4765πŸ‘ 5676πŸ‘Ž

Transitive Property

If you watch porn with a man and a woman, you share gender with 50% of what's going on in there. You're 50% gay. Obviously if you share 100% of the gender in the porno that's 100% gay. Now you might be thinking if you watch porn with two people of the opposite gender then you're at 0%, but what they are doing is gay which means you're watching gay porn. Watching GAY porn is in fact, GAY. Now, if you were to watch porn between someone of the opposite gender and a transvestite, half man half woman, then you share only 25% of what's going on in that porno which means you are 75% less gay. That's the transitive property

I'm straighter than you and I can prove it using the transitive property

by Dirty Lurch June 10, 2023

Transitive Property

The transitive propery, a property invented and claimed by Matt Habib, is a non-universal property which states that any characteristic that one person or thing has is transfered to a related person or thing.



Yay for the transitive property!

by xxpainfulreliefxx July 11, 2008

33πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

Transitive property

1) Any variety of inclination to transition between one state and another, though it most commonly applies to transgendered people;

2) Any form of real, personal, or intellectual property belonging to a transperson.

1) β€œWhy’d Mark break up with Gina? They

seemed madly in love.”

β€œYeah it really sucks, but Mark wants kids, and Gina wasn’t upfront with him about her transitive property .”

2) β€œFollowing Bruce Jenner’s transition into Caitlin Jenner, all of her worldly possessions became transitive property.”

by The Throbbing Clut of Justice December 18, 2017

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

transitive property of hoe

1. The friend of a hoe, is also a hoe.

You sucked three dicks yesterday. Shit I can't be seen with you. The transitive property of hoe forbids it

by 8362 May 4, 2016

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž